Published On 01-09-2021 | By Dharani Senthilkumar
“Baldness – The outcry of many adults”, Isn’t it? I happen to discover a conversation between my mom and brother. Where he was whining about his baldness and hair fall. As to which he wasn’t ready for marriage. While I just entered, he stopped talking about it and left all of a sudden. That is how embarrassed he felt about his baldness. Isn’t this a common problem where men face hair fall and slowly baldness at a very early phase, right between 25-35?
Undoubtedly baldness lowers their self-esteem. Secondly, creates a space where this evokes a sense of lower confidence. Consequently much deeper, they even simply avoid posing for pictures.
Do you know what leads to these early signs? But let us know how this process takes place.
To clarify, the DHT receptors are magnets. And the free testosterone combined with the help of 5 alpha-reductase produces DHT, which is the rust factor. These DHT receptors attract the DHT. Subsequently, this blocks the other cells and creates a load on the follicles causing miniaturisation. As a result, the cell renewal is affected causing hair loss.
As the area remains inactive, the pore slowly clogs. This gives rise to a visible empty patch called baldness.
Here are the primary reasons causing baldness in men.
However, it is preventable if taken care of right from the start.
The history of your family has a greater impact. Meaning, a regular pattern of hair thinning a bit earlier than the normal ageing process. You are prone to be one such victim to it as well. The truth is that it is not curable completely. But utterly preventable if diagnosed early. Certainly, this is fully accountable to a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
The follicle count in your head is decided at your birth. And its production will not increase further from that. During your birth, if DHT receptors are inherited highly, the chances of baldness also get higher.
Apart from hereditary reasons, hormonal fluctuations also result in hair loss and baldness. Some triggering factors will cause a hormonal imbalance which produces testosterone rapidly and form into DHT.
About 90 per cent of testosterone are vital for male characteristics. The remaining 10 per cent pairs with each other owing to the formation of DHT causing baldness.
As said before, in some cases, the condition is preventable but not completely curable. Here’s a list of those factors triggering hormonal imbalance,
- Stress and improper sleeping patterns
- Unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, alcohol consumption, too much junk intake etc.
- A diet rich with only carbohydrates or a major part of it
- Steady state inflammation of hair follicles due to other reasons
To avoid these from happening, it is essential to check the factors and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Basic lifestyle adjustments could be,
- Preferring a diet that is a combination of all essential nutrients and especially hair nutrients.
- Selecting the proper hair care routine and avoiding harsh chemicals to condition and style hair.
- Consumption of food and supplements rich in iron, omega-3 fatty acids and other essential vitamins and minerals.
Above all, it is essential to know that curing DHT without treating any scalp disorders will not fetch the required results.
There are some best hair regrowth treatments to nourish the hair and get back the lost hair as well.
Popular male pattern baldness treatments include,
- PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) to stimulate hair growth in the same region
- Nutritional supplements to prevent DHT formation and induce DHT blockers
Apart from these, It is best to opt for a hair transplantation procedure. The doctor’s approach is necessary when the hair fall is worse.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. It is an individual’s responsibility to choose a well-mannered lifestyle and diet and acquire early preventive treatments.
All of which is to live a life with a head full of hair, at the least for quite longer.